تالیفات دکتر بهرام اشراقی
Siatiri H, Eshraghi B, Rajabi MT, Rahimi F, Siatiri N. Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator for treatment of fibrinous membranes after cataract surgery.Int J Ophthalmol 2008;1(2):134-138
Kasaee A, Yazdani-Abyaneh A, Tabatabaie SZ, Jafari AK, Ameri A,Eshraghi B, Samarai V, Mireshghi M, Rajabi MT. Assessing amblyogenic factors in 100 patients with congenital ptosis. Int J Ophthalmol 2010;3(4):328-330
Eshraghi,B., Hamid rezatorabi,abolfazlkassaie, mohammadtaherrajabi. The use of a radiofrequency unit for excisional biopsy of eyelid papillomas. OphthalPlastReconstrSurg2010; 26:448449
Mohammad Zare, MohammadrezaFallahTafti, FatemeZare,BahramEshraghi, FahimehAsadiAmoli, MohammadYaserKiarudi. Association of Ligneous Conjunctivitis with Congenital Hydrocephaly: A Case Report. Iranian Journal of Ophthalmology 2010;22(4):84-87
Ali SadeghiTari, BahramEshraghi, HesamHashemian,FahimehAsadiAmoli. Primary Localized Conjunctival Amyloidosis Presenting with Unilateral Ptosis.Iranian Journal of Ophthalmology 2010;22(1):46-51
K-Jafari A, Sadeghi-Tari A, Minaee-Noshahr N, Ameri A, Anvari F, Ali-Mahmoudi A, Eshraghi B, Rajabi MB, RajabiMT.ocular movement disorders and extraocular muscle involvement in Iranian graves ophthalmopathy patients.Binocul Vis Strabismus Q. 2010;25(4):217-30
Ali SadeghiTari, BahramEshraghi,Hamid Reza Torabi. Dermoid Cyst of the Frontal Bone: A Case Report. Iranian Journal of Ophthalmology 2011;23(3):57-59
Mohammad TaherRajabi, Vida Tavakkoli, Syed ZiaeddinTabatabaie,Mohammad BagherRajabi, ZakiehVahedian, Bahram Eshraghi.Isolated Traumatic Orbital Mucocele: Report A Case and Brief Review of Literature. Iranian Journal of Ophthalmology 2011;23(3):57-59
ZareMA, Eshraghi B, Kiarudiy,Masoule EA, application of ultrasound biomicroscopy in planning of cataract surgery in anterior megalophthalmos. indian journal ophthalmol 2011; 59:400-2.
Bahram Eshraghi , AlirezaKeshtcarJafari, Babak Masomian.Retrobulbar Hemorrhage after Blowout Fracture Reconstruction: A Case Report. Iranian Journal of Ophthalmology 2011;23(2):69-71
Akbari MR, Jafari AK, Ameri A, Anvari F, Eshraghi B, Masoomian B. Successful extraocular muscle re-resection for a strabismus surgery complication: a snapped [severed, inadvertently] and retrieved inferior rectus muscle: a case report. Binocul Vis Strabolog Q Simms Romano. 2012;27(1):41-5
Akbari MR, Amoli FA, Alhashemi LH, Ameri A, Jafari AK, Eshraghi B, Bozorgi S. Bupivacaine injection myotoxicity on extraocular muslces. A strabismus alternative treatment: extended histological changes induced in a rabbit model.Binocul Vis Strabolog Q Simms Romano. 2012;27(1):15-22
Syed ZiaeddinTabatabaie.MohammadTaherRajabi. MohammadBagherRajabi.Bahram Eshraghi. Randomized study comparing the efficacy of a self-retaining bicanaliculus intubation stent with Crawford intubation in patients with canalicular obstruction. Clinical Ophthalmology 2012:6 58
Eshraghy B, Raygan F, Tabatabaie SZ, Tari AS, Kasaee A, Rajabi MT. Effect of mitomycin C on success rate in dacryocystorhinostomy with silicone tube intubation and improper flaps.Eur J Ophthalmol. 2012 May-Jun;22(3):326-9
Eshraghi, B.,AlirezaKeshtcarJafari, Mohammad Reza Akbari, Babak Masoomian. A Case Report of Orbital Pseudotumor with Presentation like Orbital Cellulitis. Iranian Journal of Ophthalmology 2012;24(3):58-61
Ali Tabatabaei, AbolfazlKasaei, MojganNikdel, SaeedShoar, Sara Esmaeili, MostafaMafi, Mohammad Moradi, MohammadrezaMansouri, Bahram Eshraghi, ZiaeddinTabatabaei. Clinical Characteristics and Causality of Eye Lid Laceration in Iran.Oman Medical Journal (2013) Vol. 28, No. 2:97-101
FardMA.FakhreeS,Eshraghi B.Correlation of optical coherence tomography parameters with clinical and radiological progression in patients with symptomatic optic pathway gliomas .graefes arch clinexp ophthalmol,2013 june 5
Mohammadrezaakbari, Leilahosseinialhashemi,ahmadameri,alirezakeshtkarjafari, Bahram Eshraghi,ghasemfakhraie.Large angle esotropia with high myopia and a lost medial rectus muscle:a case report. Binocular vision and strabology,2013;28(2):1-5
Sadeghi A,Akbari MR, Eshraghi B,Masoomian B. isolated lacrimal gland tuberculosis: A case report. Iranian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2013,25(1):76-80
Akbari MR, Raygan F, Ameri A, Jafari A, Eshraghi B, Fard MA. Lower eyelid retractor lysis versus lockwood advancement to minimize lower eyelid retraction resulting from inferior rectus muscle recession. J AAPOS. 2013 Jul 26
Eshraghi B, Hashemian H, Fard MA, Safizadeh M. Lacrimal Sac Empyema Incision and Drainage Followed by Early External Dacryocystorhinostomy. Orbit. 2013 Jul 22
Eshragi B,Fard MA.Masomian B,Akbari M. probing for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction in older children.Middle East Afr j ophthalmol.2013 oct-dec;20(4):349-52
Eshraghi B,Hashemian H,Safizadeh M,Akbari M,Periocular dermoid cysts:common site in referral cases in Iranian population.iranian journal of ophthalmlology.2013,25(4)309-12
Eshraghi B,Hashemian H.orbital cellulitis secodery to dacryocystitis. Iranian journal of ophthalmology.2013,25(2) 163-166
Eshraghy B,Abdi F,Faramarzi N,Esfahani M,Baghbani M. Autoevisceration in an elderly schizophrenic female. Int Ophthalmol.2013 dec;33(6):717-20
Eshraghi B,masoomian B,Izadi A,Abedinifar Z,Akbari M. conjunctival bacterial flora in nasolacrimal duct obstruction and its changes after successful dacryocystorhinostomy surgery. OPRS.2014 jan-feb;30(1):44-6
Eshraghi B,Aghajani A,Kasaei A,Tabatabaei Z,Akbari M,Fard MA. Pushed stent intubation for treatment of complex congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Eur j ophthalmol.2014 apr 6
Akbari MR,Ameri A,Keshtkar Jafari A,Fard MA,Eshraghi B,Mirmohamadsadeghi A. Clinical features and surgical outcomes of isolated inferior rectus paralysis.strabismus.2014 apr 17
Eshraghi B, Akbari MR,Fard MA,Shahsanaei A,Assari R,Mirmohammadsadeghi A. the prevalence of embryogenic factors in children with persistent congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol.2014 apr 29
Eshraghi B, Abdi p, Akbari M,Fard MA. Microbiologic spectrum of acute and chronic dacryocystitis . Int J Ophthalmol Oct 18;7(5):864-7
Mirmohamad sadeghi A, Eshraghi B, Shahsanaei A,Assari R. Cherubism :report of three cases and literature review. Orbit. 2015 FEB;34(1):33-37
Ameri A,Akbari MR,Keshtkar jaafari AR,Fard MA ,Eshraghi B ,Tavakoli V. Medial rectus muscle elongation ,A technique to treat very large angle esotropia. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 253(7),1005-1011,2015
Eshraghi B, Ameli K,Anvari P. Adult rhabdomyosarcoa of ethmoid sinus recurring as an orbital mass. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Apr;10(4)
Eshraghi B, Katoozpour R, Anvari P. Transient complete visual loss after intracameral anesthetic injection in cataract surgery. J Curr Ophthalmol. 2016 Feb 5;2793-4)
Eshraghi B, Shadravan M,Aalami E, Pour EK. Orbicularis Oculi Myectomy as treatment for Blepharospasm in a case of Schwartz Jample Syndrome. J Ophthalmic Vis Res 2016 Jul-Sep;11(3):392-32
Eshraghi B, Masoomian B, Asadi Amoli F. Chronic dacryocystitis secondary to Onchocytic lesion of lacrimal sac. Gavin journal of ophthalmology. 2016
Kasaee A, Mirmohamad sadeghi A,Kazemnezhad F, Eshraghi B, Akbari MR. The predictive factors of diplopia and extraocular movement limitations in isolated Pure blow-out fracture. J current Ophthalmol. 2017;29(1);54-58
Eshraghi B, Alamzadeh SA, Abedinifar Z. Conjunctival bacterial flora in fellow eyes of patients with unilateral nasolacrimal duct obstruction and its changes after successful dacryocystorhinostomy surgery. J current Ophthalmol 2017;29(1),59-62
Eshraghi B, Jamshidian-Tehrani M, Mirmohammadsadeghi A.,Comparison of the success rate between monocanalicular and bicanalicular intubations in incomplete complex congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Orbit. 2017 Aug;36(4):215-217.
Eshraghi B, Khalilipour E, Ameli K, Bazvand F, Mirmohammadsadeghi A.,Pushed monocanalicular intubation versus probing for the treatment of simple and incomplete complex types of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction in children older than 18 months old.,Orbit. 2017 Aug;36(4):218-222
Jamshidian Tehrani M, Eshraghi B, Zamzam A, Latifi G, Yadegari S ,Superior orbital fissure and orbital apex syndrome as rare complications of herpes zoster..Acta Neurol Belg. 2017 Dec;117(4)
Eshraghi B, Riazi-Esfahani H, Katoozpour R, Anvari P, Mortazavi M, Amoli FA.Trichoblastoma of the Upper Eyelid.J Ophthalmic Vis Res. 2017 Apr-Jun;12(2):219-221
Eshraghi B1, Dehghani S1, Saeedi-Anari G1.,A rare erosive orbital mass in a child: Case report of myofibroma. J Curr Ophthalmol. 2017 May 4;29(3):224-227.
B Eshraghi, MA Abtahi, SA Sonbolastan, Z Kasaie, SH Abtahi .Presentation of massive orbital hidrocystoma at birth: case report and review of the literature.,Eye and Vision,(lond);2017 Feb ;23; 4 :5
B Eshraghi, A Torkashvand, R Katoozpour, P Anvari. Delayed retrobulbar hemorrhage after reconstruction of inferior orbital wall fracture: a case report,Journal of the Egyptian Ophthalmological Society 110 (4), 141
, M Jamshidian Tehrani, S Nekoozadeh, M Soleimani, B Eshraghi .Donkey Bite Leading to a Catastrophic Outcome: Bilateral Visual Loss,Archives of Trauma Research;2016; 6 (2)
Eshraghi B, Ghadimi H, Nozarian Z.,Unusual occurrence of orbital hemangiopericytoma in the zygomatic bone of an adolescent: a case report.,Eye Vis (Lond). 2018 May 13; 5:10.
Eshraghi B, Ghadimi H..Small-incision levator resection for correction of congenital ptosis: a prospective study.Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2018 Sep;256(9):1747-1750
Eshraghi B, Ghadimi H, Nikdel M. Levator recession and minimal lateral tarsorrhaphy for the management of lagophthalmos and corneal exposure in facial palsy.Eur J Ophthalmol. 2019 Oct 10
Eshraghi B, Sonbolestan SA, Abtahi MA, Mirmohammadsadeghi A ,Clinical characteristics, histopathology, and treatment outcomes in adult and pediatric patients with nonspecific orbital inflammation.,J Curr Ophthalmol. 2019 Mar 28;31(3):
Eshraghi B, Ghadimi H.Lacrimal gland prolapse in upper blepharoplasty.,Orbit. 2019 Aug 8:1-6
Kasaee A, Eshraghi B, Nekoozadeh S, Ameli K, Sadeghi M, Jamshidian-Tehrani M ,Orbital Exenteration: A 23-year Report.,Korean J Ophthalmol. 2019 Aug;33(4
Jamshidan-Tehrani M, Eshraghi B, Zarei M, Nozarian Z, Rafizadeh SM, Ghadimi H ,Successful Total Resection of an Orbital Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma with the Aid of Endovascular Embolization.,Ocul Oncol Pathol. 2019 Jan;5(1):50-53
Eshraghi B, Ghadimi H, Nikdel M, Hajizadeh F,Synkinesis Between Orbicularis Oculi and Procerus Muscles: Video Presentation of an Unusual Type of Aberrant Innervation after Cosmetic Rhinoplasty.,Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2019 Feb;43(1):98-101
Eshraghi B, Jamshidian-Tehrani M, Fadakar K, Ali-Zamani H, Fallah Tafti Z, Ghaffari R.,Vector analysis of changes in corneal astigmatism following lateral tarsal strip procedure in patients with involutional ectropion or entropion.,Int Ophthalmol. 2019 Aug;39(8):1679-1
H Ghadimi, M Nikdel, B Eshraghi. Bilateral calcinosis cutis of orbital walls in CREST syndrome,Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders;2019; 4 (2), NP1-NP4
B Eshraghi, M Jamshidian-Tehrani, SM Rafizadeh, H Ghadimi .Reliability of Imprint Cytology and Frozen Sections for Demonstrating Free Surgical Margins in the Periocular Basal Cell Carcinoma., ,Middle East Journal of Cancer ;Oct 2019;10 (4), 314-318
B Eshraghi, HR Jahanbani-Ardakani, SM Abtahi, SH Abtahi .Ophthalmologic aspects of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans: A systematic review in the context of a rare case of primary orbital involvement., Journal francais d'ophtalmologie 2019 oct:42(8):913-924
Kashkouli MB, Khademi B, Erfanian-Salim R, Eshraghi B, Karimi N, Maleki, Pressing ulcer following circumstantial head dressing. Orbit. 2020 Jan 30:1-7
Textbook publication
Orbital CT-scan (published in Farsi) ( This book was accepted as the best book of Shams ophthalmic festival) 2013
Translation of Orbit, eyelids, and Lacrimal system (American academy of ophthalmology section 7) in Farsi 2016
Two chapter of integrated procedures in Facial cosmetic surgery (under publication by springer), I am correspondence author of these two chapters :2020
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